Upgrade to IoT Weighing System
with Analog Sensors Retained


  • Use our IoT weighing indicators, junction boxes and retain the original sensors
  • Remotely check inventory, statistics, sensor fault diagnosis, etc on our IoT platform
  • Customised indicators can be integrated into third-party platforms or dual platforms
  • 使用物联网称重仪表+接线盒,替代原有仪表+接线盒
  • 物联网平台远程查看存量、统计、传感器故障诊断及受力不平衡监测
  • 定制仪表可接入第三方平台或定制接入双平台

Analog to Digital Junction Boxes

  • 1 junction box supports up to 8 analog weighing sensors
  • 1 indicator supports up to 32 junction boxes (i.e. 256 sensors)


  • 支持最多32个称重传感器接入
  • 1个称重仪表支持最多32个接线盒接入

Touchscreen PLC with IoT

  • 7 / 4.3 inches touchscreen optional
  • Supports up to 16 YC weighing sensors
  • Ready for dry feeding, liquid feeding, etc.


  • 7 / 4.3 寸触摸屏
  • 支持最多16个曜创称重传感器接入
  • 适用于自动饲喂、液态饲喂等养殖应用

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IoT Weighing Indicator

  • 7-segment display
  • Supports up to 32 weighing sensors


  • 数码管显示
  • 支持最多32个称重传感器接入

Proprietary IoT platforms

  • Real-time weighing data and history
  • Supports remote weighing calibration and upgrade
  • Our Breeding IoT Platform supports data statistics for feeding in different pig/poultry houses


  • 查看实时存量及历史曲线
  • 支持远程校准及升级
  • 智慧养殖物联网平台支持多个料舍的入料用料统计

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